
When was the last time you slept in? When was the last time you turned your phone off ? When was the last time you got rid of every distraction and enjoyed some alone time? When was the last time you got some well needed rest?

We live in a time when everything is moving at full speed. We always have something to do. We are always logged on. We are always texting. We are always working. We barely ever take time to rest. Society tells us to grind. We literally work ourselves to death in America. So many people are sick and on medication. Obesity rates are sky high. Depression is high. Anxiety is high. Everyone is lonely. No one is happy. Life is a beautiful gift. Why are we all so damn miserable?

If we listen to what society’s standard for our lives should be, we will never enjoy our existence on this earth. We have so much pressure to do something and to be something . If I don’t have any titles ,401k plans , fancy degrees and a house with a white picket fence I’m somehow losing in life. What if people just want to be peaceful and happy? What If I don’t want to work 50-60 hours a week to afford a house I can’t even enjoy? What if I value time with my loved ones instead of always working? What if I care about my sanity more than my bank account?

I’m tired of people placing expectations on my life. I don’t want to say that money doesn’t matter because it does, but , I know what it’s like to want to die. When you hit rock bottom you look at life totally different. I don’t mind working because I enjoy my job , but, I know I won’t be there forever. As I’m getting my life in order I know that I will be going into business. I will be doing things that I truly enjoy so I can make a difference in this world. That’s why I’m alive, to make a difference. To inspire others. Some of us are so used to living life in pain and misery that we are numb to it. We don’t even realize we are dying inside.

I’ve decided to get off social media for a bit. I don’t know how long it will be but it’ll be for some time. I need as less distractions as possible. I need to focus on the things that matter. I need to grow. I need to stop wasting time scrolling. I need to rest and live productively. I want to live life on my terms with no additional pressure. I know where God has me and I know where I’m going. Life is beautiful when you see the beauty in it. Sometimes you have to slow down to see that beauty. Life is a gift that most of us won’t see as a gift until it’s too late. Take care of you. Prioritize. You matter . Your health matters. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to enjoy life.

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